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Weird characters in wordpress, not in pt

Submitted by ivohofland on Thu, 2013-05-02 08:11 in


I'm sorry to bother you already, but I have something which I can't figure out myself. In the product description of one feed there are some weird characters. Probably a decoding/encoding problem. See this link here: {link saved}. The feed is utf-8 and there are no additional filters. In the price tapestry page there are no weird characters shown: {link saved}. So it's something with the wordpress plugin or wordpress installation i guess. I've tried a different theme, but the problem was still there.

Kind regards,


Submitted by support on Thu, 2013-05-02 10:48

Hello Ivo,

It looks like invalid encoding in the feed data, it just happens to be being handled differently under the content/type HTML mode of the two versions.

The first thing I would try would be to add a UTF8 Encode filter to the description field for the associated feed, and then re-import. UTF8 Encode has the effect of cleansing encoding errors even if not actually valid ISO-8859-1, which should clean things up.

If the problem persists, if you could perhaps email me the affected feed (zipped if it is large) I'll study how the data appears at source and check it out for you...


Submitted by ivohofland on Thu, 2013-05-02 17:53

Thank you for your respons. I think I've fixed the problem though. Apperently the database tables where on latin. I've changed these to utf8. I also used the utf8_decode filter. I'm not sure if this is all right, but at least it is working now.

Submitted by support on Thu, 2013-05-02 18:52

Hello Ivo,

Glad you're up and running! If you've changed the database tables collation the filter _should_ be redundant, but if you're still not sure of course, just let me know...