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Quick Start Guide (Joomla)

Use this quick start guide if you are new to Price Tapestry and, and you want to create a price comparison site using Joomla as the front end and Price Tapestry exclusively as the back end datafeed management interface. Alternatively, you can also use this guide if you are already running Joomla and wish to use to complement your site with price comparison features. Users already familiar with Price Tapestry should refer to the introduction section of the manual in the first instance.

  1. Download and install Joomla following the instructions on this page. As you install Joomla and gather your pre-requisites make a note of your MySQL DB Name, Host Name, Username and Password as you'll need them when you install Price Tapestry. The following instructions assume that you have installed Joomla at
  2. Using your FTP program, create a sub-directory for Price Tapestry called "pt", so you will be installing Price Tapestry at
  3. Install Price Tapestry following the instructions on this page taking note of the following as you create your config.php file:
    • For $config_baseHREF use /pt/
    • For $config_databaseServer use the value of Host Name as noted in step 1
    • For $config_databaseUsername use the value of Username as noted in step 1
    • For $config_databasePassword use the value of Password as noted in step 1
    • For $config_databaseName use the value of DB Name as noted in step 1
  4. After installing Price Tapestry, upload your first datafeed to the /pt/feeds/ folder of your website and then register and import your feed following the instructions on this page. After importing your feed browse to and verify that Price Tapestry is working correctly by following the links or searching for products
  5. Browse to and make a note of the Base HREF and Install Path values for your installation
  6. Download and install for Joomla following the instructions on this page. You won't need to make any changes on the Settings page other than the values for External / Base HREF and External / Install Path as noted in step 5
  7. Browse to to visit your new Price Comparison site!